2012年4月3日 星期二



At the end of all things
By Eve / Adama of Telos
Dec 5, 2011 - 3:33:46 AM


It was already at the end of November when I "heard" about evacuation of the complete Agartha network. Of course I then felt the need to check in with Adama to see what he would comment on this. This piece is the result - I did it on a saturday. ​​On the following monday Candace asked me if maybe Adama would like to comment. I just had typed this piece, so I sent it to Candace via skype and we first published it in the messianic forum of AH. Candace updated it with a picture from Nexus-magazine, which showed one of the large evacuation crafts near Saturn. I want to comment here, too, that none of these giant ships can really come near to earth, as this would seriously affect gravitation and cause great disturbance . These ships are of incredible size, and if we assume the Agartha-population (including all cities of inner earth etc, like Telos eg) was about 1,5 million people one of these ships can take all. They are designed especially for purposes like this. So they are parked in the solar system, far enough from any planet and there are smaller shuttles for transfer. Now, Candace asked for publishing of this piece as the right time has come.



So with the fact of Inner Earth evacuation you may imagine how imminent the big earth changes, pole reversal etc. really are. Don't worry, dear ones,.... we will be cared for!


Very much by heart



At the end of all things


26th November 2011

Adama of Telos through Eve


Adama? Are you there?


Oh, Eve! Yes, I'm here! Not quite where I used to be, but that does not hinder our conversation!


Daddy, I heard about evacuation of the inner earth, Agartha... I suppose, Telos is void, too?


Yes, Eve, most are gone! Already... we are now aboard of one of the big evacuation ships.... there is a special one for the inner earth folks. The ones among us who are going to be part of the surface project will move to the New Jerusalem later, to work with the surface people and of course, we will be present at the Phoenix and the Capricorn. No problem at all, you know.


How about your pets and plants/crops?


They have been put into stasis already, as we cannot maintain the normal routines without menpower. Most likely they will remain undamaged. The stasis frequency is the best possibility to guarantee their health. The good thing is that stasis can be held upright for indefinite time , without any damage or problem. After the voiding of Telos, the whole area was put into stasis, and likewise the other places of inner earth and the hollow earth.


My goodness, Adama.. what an adventure!


Yup, Eve, you can well say it that way. Most of the people living here have not travelled much, and it's quite an experience to have a while aboard ship. But we arrange ourselves quite comfortably, we took our most dear things with us , and the kids are enthusiastic, as they are going to become aware witnesses of what is going to happen with the planet. Our part of the ship - where we dwell - is not isolated... we are facing a colourful gathering of all sorts of folks from inner earth, which is pretty interesting... to hear all the stories and view points!


Now, Daddy, how about the emotional landscape?


Oh, Eve, yes... there is of course mourning about the sudden change of plans in the way they are now. We had hoped so much for a more joyful occasion... reuniting of family due to an encouraging development - which has simply not happened ... Every day passing on the surface has just encouraged the dark ones to go on, all the peaceful interaction of the light people has not moved anything with the thugs. It has well moved encouragement of mother planet, and our hearts ,.. but the New World Order was steadily triggered furthermore, the programming was solid as solid can be, it was just like trying to stop a forest fire by the moisture of a kiss. The crew, the second coming team, has been very frustrated from time to time... of course, how else could it be... Meanwhile CM/Esu and even the Eternal Father have reached the insight that without divine intervention there would be no chance ever to rescue the planet. So the wave will be allowed to turn things upside down, and it's going to be that powerful that there is not even more a guarantee for safety regarding the Inner Earth Folks. Of course, also regarding the imminent pole reversal... See, Eve, we have endured here for millenea just to finally be pulled under the „wheels" at the very end.


Everybody understands the necessity of evacuation, everybody was and is constructive. Everybody is behaving disciplinated. So, our reuniting is probably going to take place in space, beloved, and you may already tap into the idea of​​ a glimpse of glory you are going to have.... when the big moment is finally there.


I'm often with Esu and CM, of course, due to my active role in all of this... . Might be that the wave reaches the earth still before christmas, so this is literally the „end of all things" as you know it. Remembering all we have ever been talking about, it's a little bit strange to find everything is now going a different way, but if we are really used to something, then it's the issue of sudden change, of paradigms fluctuating from now to then. I'd say, the love in our hearts has been the only factor of steadyness. The decision for evacuation was made in the planetary council, after enfolding the likelyness of happenings and the risk included. Otherwise than your surface governments we care for our people and do everything to keep them safe and in good health. And we of course have the outlook to return after everything is settled well again. Now, as you will imagine, there is an immense vibration of excitement here!



Our thoughts are on excursion all day long... they are with you folks and with the celestial teams, and our hearts are somehow goose-bumping a little bit while watching a great scenario unfolding. I bow my head in awe in front of our creator son and Esu, who are working so relentlessly under full power, just with small breaks to relax from viewing all the mess down there on the planet. When they'd now look into the mirror, asking „have we really, really, tried everything possible?" Then there would just be one answer: YES, yes, and YES again. This is the end of all things in this planetary era, transition is coming in neither way mysteriously or magically, but as a rea​​l deal of matter, and here we go again: Mankind was adressed to take efforts to change things, they did not, and so the universe is now going to change this on behalf of mankind... the whole thing is signed and it's coming along, in a mighty way. Equal if mankind is prepared to open the doors or not, all doors will be crashed open by the cosmic influence and there will be no single place spared! I sense, Eve, that you are very calm on your inner plane... . I hope this is a good sign?



Well, Daddy, generally speaking, I'm fried, like most of us. Even the news about evacuation of the Inner Earth did not bring my adrenaline up much. I sensed as you mention, it's the end of all things, our last days in the old paradigm, and equal how it will turn for me personally, I just wish things to change, I'm in faith... which puts me in some kind of emotional nowhereland... even if my incarnation was to end suddenly ..., I'm in peace with the situation.


Are you sure, sweety, that your peace is not just a symptom of exhaustion?


Maybe, might be. But that does not change much, you know. I have just made a balance sheet of my life... . I'm just somehow arranging myself with the circumstances...


Let me just take you in my arms to hold you tight for a while... we are going to sail again - the wind will fill your sails... I invite you to join me energetially for some minutes ...


Ok, thanks!


You can see the pictures of the evacuation craft here:




Our service goes on
By Eve / Adama of Telos
Dec 6, 2011 - 4:02:26 AM



Adama of Telos through Eve
5th December 2011

Now, Adama, how are things going?


Good morning, Eve, .. can't complain - everything is fine, according to the circumstances. I see, you have published our previous talk meanwhile?


Yes, I was asked to publish - and now I'm just curious how quickly the dark desinformation agenda will react blaming this piece as nuts.


Truly, Eve, many will have difficulties to believe - and some will perhaps put out that everything was still fine in the inner earth, I was still in Telos joining door opening ceremonies - and what all the „prayer mills" of New Age rainbow press foresee and suggest. This should not bother you, dear... these ignorant ones will soon experience that about 1,5 million inhabitants are not just being evacuated for no reason - or for fun, for test issues, or else. It's an immense enterprise to manage that, even if all is going forth smoothly and fine . And disciplinated.


Can you tell, Adama, where's your main risk or what it would have been - had you stayed?


Well, there are several serious issues which had to be regarded. I know you are at first thinking about the tunnels for tube traffic and general connections, and the stability of the big caverns.


We have always stated that they are earth quake safe - solid enough - many of them have been there already before the demise of Lemuria, - and the earth was shaking much at that time - and they have lasted in good condition. The drilling technique causes a melting of sand, and in result of this the walls of the tunnel pipes transform into a very solid quartz glass structure.


However one must ponder about the fact that the coming earth changes will set free forces which have not yet been experienced in the past of the latest millenea while we settle here. We are talking about moving of the tectonic plates, about earth growing in diameter, about axis changes, about a magnetic pole reversal which might well affect the safety of the inner earth „infra" structure.


You must also be aware that our air/oxygen and water supplies still depend on surface supplies to a certain amount and worst case these could be interrupted/blocked... tunnel entrances, too, plus the air at the surface might become that toxic that it will be too much for our filters (we already had to filter and clean it, as it already is so much polluted) and we would then expose our lifes and crops to the toxic contents. Right now we have somehow sealed the connections to avoid poisoning.


See, you must consider erupting volcanoes, blowing methane, volcano ashes in masses infiltrating the atmosphere... the fact that surface life and vegetation will be put under stasis frequency, too, has much to do with this. Then, during the pole reversal , the magnetic field of the earth will collapse and the cosmic rays meet the surface which is then not shielded by the magnetic protection any more... so, stasis frequency will somehow put an artificial field around. Oh, and don't forget the necessity of integrating the second sun finally.


You already see quite a lot of risk factors adding up. It was finally concluded that the risk of staying might be too high - and it's way better to go now, while all is still intact - than to become refugees from emergency scenarios. Fleet will have plenty to do with caring about the surface folks, it might have just been silly to enlarge the workload by an evacuation of inner earth folks at the same time.


In addition the sand in the hour glass has run through now .... nearly thoroughly - time is getting very short. So, we had to meet a decision and we did, it was a decision PRO life and health, honouring our physical temples . Better to watch from safety outside then to be finally captured like mice in a hole, without a rea​​l escape - apart from being beamed up.


Regarding the tubes, you know they are running by electro magnetism. It's likely that the energies of the magnetic pole reversal will leave them not working and then, even the inner earth connections would be interrupted.


We will do our homework when the main part is done, but we are aware that it might last quite a long time... years... until we will return to see what is still there to build on. However I must admit that our chances are way better for seeing our structures again, than for you on the surface.


So, after having done all that was possible to do, we are finally here on board, joining hands and hearts with fleet efforts to settle all which remains to be settled. We arrange ourselves perfectly with the situation - although I would not exclude some cases of homesickness - and you folks will do it likewise - once you have realized the great blessing of your creator to care for you in this extraordinary way. All those will be up having the potential to rejoice on the reuniting of family in space, and we will help you to discover the mysteries of the realities having been kept hidden from you so far.


Of course, the word „mystery" can just be regarded metaphorically, as there is no such thing like mystery or magic. These words are often being used in New Age propaganda, rituals of ascension and else. But I want to point out that everything is the result of co-creation, of mind over matter, of intention or non-intention - which agrees to be ruled by other forces . It's all about quantum physics.


Many will say: Oh, what a serendipity that the evacuation took place in time. But there is not really serendipity! This is just how it might look like. All this is the result of aware co-creation - of intention, of bowing energy by the forces of the spirit mind, on behalf of our divine origin. All of us are to use the god-given intelligence for the greatest good of all - ... learn to work with the guides, the planetary midwayers ... who will love to support you! They will help you to be at right time right place.


To us it has never been a question to hold earth static - as change is a must have in evolution - and it cannot be adequate to bow our host planet to do our will - just for keeping on being comfortable. So we co-created our evacuation in cooperation with the fleet, to serve the planet who has hosted us so kindly over such a long period. I cannot deny that the well being of the inner earth inhabitants has been a serious concern for mother earth for long ... and now we took the load from her by leaving her for a certain time - you can do the same by awarely agreeing to your evacuation by fleet, according to the schedules of Christ. This will lighten the load for this mother planet greatly.


Support by prayers and energy service can of course go on from the place of evacuation - and this is what we already have arranged at the place where we dwell now. We simply go on in service, we are still here for you - and it does not matter if we are doing it from inside the earth, or from aboard ship.


I beg all of you to develop a positive view on all of this... embrace what is to come and cannot or shall not be avoided - and look forward to the imminent adventures - in awareness of your divine heritage.


I think I might well end this monologue now, Eve, and thanks for still holding the „get real" stage on my behalf. Be blessed, all of you who awarely decide to become a cooperating and active part in one of the biggest and brightest matters of transformation this world has ever seen! Holding all of you dear to my heart, I Am Adama.




源頭天父和聖子會在宇宙能量校準最精確之時、蓋亞的最適當狀態之際,按下大轉變的按鈕,但一切都是為了地球和人類最高的善。為了這個時刻,聖子基督邁克已經測試了不同的可能性、做了所有的嘗試,並根據蓋亞的情形與人類接受及覺醒的程度而調整計劃,為了避免混亂和地質變動造成的損害,天界都為人類和地心文明做了最穩妥的安排,他深愛著我們,唯恐我們受到傷害, 因為我們都是他的孩子。


